The Full Story
Choice International Family Outreach Worship Center is an Apostolic Governmental Church, a Fathering House with the vision Malachi 4:6 which states, “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Our mission is to train and empower this generation to recover their identity and inheritance as sons and daughters of God. Equip them with life skills according to biblical pattern, and to rebuild the waste places in their lives, families and the world. The General Overseer of Choice International is Apostle Bishop-Prophet Antoine Jasmine. Choice's humble beginnings were birth in Dayton, OH in 2007. The second location of Choice was established in LaPlace, LA which is Bishop-Prophet Jasmine's hometown.
The Pillars
Through the establishment of the LaPlace location, Bishop-Prophet Jasmine's parents; Edward and Diane Jasmine were reunited in holy matrimony and deliverance was brought to his and many other families. The mother of the church is Mother Dolores Cutno Sampson. She is a woman of great wisdom and insight that has been a blessing to many. The Pastor of Ministries, Bishop Reginald Luke Sexton, brought great contributions to the ministry. He established the Deacon Board and sharpened leadership qualities in the house. With 14 years of pastoring, Choice has become a beacon light to those who seek a greater depth and dimension in God and to receive validity, identity, and acceptance, overall salvation and redemption.
Choice International Ministry has served as an innovative training establishment for ministry leaders, emergency distribution center in the wake of Hurricane Isaac and COVID-19, and aided in the incorporation of the arts and outreach programs throughout the River Region parishes for over a decade. Choice has been instrumental in merging church and government by hosting Church Meets Government in 2019. The event gathered church and political leaders to discuss stagnant issues that plagued the region. Choice International has licensed and ordained 75+ pastors and ministers and awarded 50+ Doctor of Divinity degrees to leaders throughout the nation and internationally. The historical elevation of our General Overseer has extended Choice’s lineage to Rome and Ghana, Africa.
In 2015 Choice hosted a banquet to honor black men, honor black women and assist the elderly and homeless population in the Tri-Parish region. The Celebration of Black Men and The Celebration of Black Women highlighted the achievements of African American men in various spheres of influence within the community. The honorees were selected based on the work they do for the underserved constituents of the regional municipality.